General terms and conditions for using the website and the art depot of Gallery 33
    • Pursuant to the present General Terms and Conditions "ARTE BULGARIA" Ltd., operating under the trade mark "Gallery 33" is a commercial company registered in the Commercial Register at the Registry Agency with UIC: 207563687, with headquarters and management address: city of Varna, "Gabrovo" street No. 2A, fl. 2, Acc.Prsn. Nikolay Ninov and Stoyan Stoyanov. Gallery33, hereinafter referred to in the text as "the Gallery" offers and sells works of art through its website -
    • The Gallery presents only original works of art. The Gallery guarantees their origin, authenticity and authorship, issuing a certificate for each purchased piece.
    • Each work is described on the site with the following details (including but not limited to): name of the author, name of the work, dimensions, technique, material, presence of signature, presence of date, presence of frame.
    • The user of the site accepts that each work is shown as it is. The Gallery is not responsible for the difference in the colors and in the visualization of the work resulting from different calibration of the monitors and other technical or any other reasons.
    • If requested by the user of the site and if appropriate, the Gallery can send additional photos of the work to an e-mail provided by the user.
    • VIA THE INQUIRY FORM ON THE SITE: Make your selection from the Works/Art Depot section of the Gallery's website. Submit a price inquiry from the inquiry form for the work in question. We will reply with details to the e-mail indicated in your message.
    • BY PHONE: The Gallery welcomes direct contact. You can call us on the telephones indicated on the website during working hours and you will receive complete information about the work of interest.
    • BY EMAIL: Send an inquiry about a work to the Gallery's email address ( and we will get back to you by email as well.
    • ON SPOT: Here, in addition to the work you are interested in, you will be able to view the rich collection of works from the Gallery's depot, which are on display in our permanent exhibition.
    • You can order a work from at any time of the day, including weekends and public holidays. Every work reproduced in the Works section (Art Depot) of the site is available for sale, unless when opening the page of a given work in its details, it is explicitly mentioned that it is reserved, through the text "RESERVED". In this case, this work cannot be ordered until it is released from reservation. Works that are not available can be viewed in the Archive section.
    • All artwork orders are processed and shipped within 2-3 business days, unless otherwise specified. The Gallery has the right to extend the shipping period if the work is currently participating in an exhibition by notifying the customer in advance.
    • To finalize their order, the Customer is obliged to confirm it by sending an email to, which contains all the necessary information to complete the order: author and name of the selected work, address for sending the work, as well as name and telephone of the recipient, name for the certificate of authenticity of the work that the Gallery issues, data for issuing an invoice. The customer will be notified by email of the receipt, confirmation and dispatch of their order. The Gallery reserves the right, at its discretion, to make telephone contact with the customer to specify details of his order.

    When ordering a work of art, the customer receives a proforma invoice at the e-mail address specified by them, including all amounts due under the transaction - price of the work, transport costs (for delivery abroad), other agreed services such as framing, issuing a certificate for export, product insurance, etc. The proforma invoice amount can be paid in any of the following ways:

    • Cash on site at the Gallery.
    • In cash via the Cash on Delivery service. Upon delivery to the address, the amount on the proforma invoice is paid to the courier. In this case, the customer owes the courier company an additional fee for the "Cash on delivery" service, which is 1.2% on the collected amount.
    • Non-cash: by bank transfer to the Gallery's account.
    • Non-cash: by debit or credit card payment on site at the Gallery.
    • Non-cash: by transfer to the Gallery's PayPal account.
    • Installment Purchases: It is possible to purchase an artwork on installments, with no increase in price, for a period not exceeding 3 months. This period is determined depending on the value of the work. In case of installment purchase, the purchased work is received after payment of the last installment.
    • The Gallery has the right to mention or not to mention the price of each work of art on the website The Gallery reserves the right to change the price of any of the works offered on the site at any time and without notice, and such changes will not affect orders already made and confirmed by the Gallery via e-mail and proforma orders.
    • After the receipt of a request for the purchase of a given work, a representative of the Gallery contacts the customer to specify all the details of their order and to the e-mail indicated by them sends a proforma invoice with all the amounts due under the transaction.
    • After making the payment and receiving it on the Gallery's accounts, the work is packed in a reliable way and handed over in a previously agreed upon manner.
    • An artwork ordered and paid for can be picked up on site at the Gallery.
    • FOR DELIVERIES IN BULGARIA: the parcel is delivered to an address by a courier company. The shipment must be insured. Shipping and insurance costs are for the customer's account and are not included in the price of the work and in the proforma invoice. They are paid to the courier upon receipt of the goods.
    • FOR DELIVERIES ABROAD: The Gallery uses the services of Interlogistics, Speedy, UPS and others. The delivery time depends on the conditions of the courier-supplier and can vary from 3 to 7 working days. Courier shipments abroad must be insured for their full invoice value, and the insurance is at the customer's expense.
    • The ordered work is delivered to the address specified by the customer or to the office of a courier company. The customer must state a delivery address in writing by e-mail. The Gallery is not responsible for wrong, incomplete or inaccurate delivery address. The customer assumes the obligation to provide access and the opportunity to receive the work.
    • The work ordered by the customer is sent by the Gallery to the indicated address no later than 48 hours after receiving the payment, unless another period is agreed upon in advance. For deliveries within Bulgaria, the shipment is delivered in 1 working day for large cities and up to 3 working days for smaller settlements.
    • The documents accompanying the shipment are an invoice, a certificate of authenticity, an export certificate - for shipments abroad.
    • Upon receipt of the shipment with the purchased work, the customer is obliged to inspect it at the time of its delivery and notify the courier immediately in case of detected discrepancies, shortages and damages. If the Customer has not complied with this requirement, the delivery shall be deemed to have been accepted without objection.
    • Refusal to receive ordered and delivered goods. The customer has the right to refuse to receive the work requested by them for purchase, when:
      • The delivered work clearly does not correspond to the ordered one - in this case complaints are accepted within 24 hours of receiving the work by phone or by the e-mail of the Gallery.
      • The work was damaged during transportation - in this case complaints are accepted on the spot, upon receipt of the shipment by the courier.
    • In both cases under item 10. the customer is obliged to reject the shipment at the moment of receipt and return it in its original packaging and in the form in which it was received, without being used. In the hypothesis of item 10. the return courier service is at the expense of the Gallery.
    • A customer who is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act has the right, according to Art. 55 of the Civil Code, without owing compensation or a penalty and without stating a reason, to refuse a work purchased through the Gallery's website, by returning it within 7 (seven) working days from the date of its receipt. In case, that the Customer cancels the purchase within the period of the previous sentence, he or she shall send to the Gallery's e-mail a statement of cancellation and return the work intact, without any external defects, securely packed in the original packaging, in which case the costs for delivery are at the expense of the Customer.
    • The Gallery shall refund to the customer the full amount paid for the purchased work no later than 10 working days from the date on which the customer has exercised any of his right of withdrawal and the work has been returned to the Gallery.
    • All texts and photos on the website of the Gallery are author's materials and are its property. Users of the website are not allowed to distribute, copy (except for non-commercial, personal purposes), transmit, exhibit, reproduce, publish, create secondary materials, transfer, sell or in any other way use content on the page without the express written permission of Gallery 33.
    • The Gallery has the right to change prices, availability of works, method of payment and delivery, technology and design of the site without prior notice. The Gallery has the right, at its discretion, to limit access to all or part of the services, as well as to terminate their use for some or all of its users. The Gallery has the right to close and/or delete information on/about a given work or category on the site, at its discretion and without notice. The Gallery is not responsible for damages caused by the inability to use part or all of the system due to technical reasons, regardless of the circumstances that led to this - technical problems, technical prevention, management decisions, etc.
    • By marking the box "I agree with the General Terms and Conditions", you are making an electronic statement within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act, by which you confirm that you are familiar with and accept these General Terms and Conditions.
    • The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to matters not settled by these General Terms and Conditions.